01 Oktober 2009

mille feuille

mille feuille is a traditional dessert from france
mille means thousand and feuille means layer
so mille feuille means thousand of layer

350 grams puff pastry

500 grams pastry cream
30 grams gelatine powder
100 cc water
250 grams whipped cream
little apricot marmalade
150-200 grams fondant
little glucose
little fine jam
little dried colored coconut

-place rolled puff pastry in a baking sheet,prick it out with a fork or a docker roller
-bake 30 minutes at 210 degree Celsius oven
-cut into 3 strip strip of 8 cm
-top 2 strip with diplomat cream
-top with remaining layer,top with fondant decorated with fine jam and dried coconut
-served chill

green tea napoleon mousse

1 liter dairy cream
2 pieces egg yolks
400 grams white chocolate compound
50 grams green tea powder
50 grams gelatin dissolve with 150 grams water
little whipped cream
little green tea powder

-in a mixing bowl,beat eggs and dairy cream until eggs was dissolved
-add the melted chocolate
-add the green tea powder
-add the gelatin
-mix until the mousse was thick in consistency
-pour into container,chilled in the refrigerator

raspberry chocolate fourless

680 grams egg yolks
250 grams sugar
900 grams butter
600 grams chocolate compound dark
1100 grams egg whites
600 grams sugar
600 grams almond powder

- in a mixing bowl beat egg yolks and 250 gr sugar until stiff
-in the other bowl mix chocolate and butter to be a ganache
-mix the egg yolks mixture with the ganache
-mix egg whites and remaining sugar to be a stiff meringue then fold in into the first mixture
-add the almond powder
-pour into greased form then baked in 180 degree celcius oven for 30 minutes approx
-remove from the oven,cut into 2 layer.
-spread 340 grams of raspberry jam in the middle of the cake.top with remaining layer
-cover all the cake with ganache.

21 Juli 2009

international food festival 2009


the best food and beverage exibition in indonesia
8-11 agustus 2009 in jakarta international expo,kemayoran
Bakery indonesia,Jakarta bakery expo(JIBEX)
herbal and health food indonesia
food ingredient indonesia
food and hospitality indonesia

the exibition open 10:00 untill 19:00
for trade,bussines and professional only
no addminision for children under 16 years old

no camera,other food,slipper,children under 16 year's old
sponsored by:
  • saf indonusa
  • fonterra brand's indonesia
  • bakery magazine
  • pastry and bakery magazine
  • asosiasi bakery indonesia
  • badan POM RI
  • and many more....
email:info@krista media.com

23 Juni 2009

butter cream part 2

butter cream yang akan saya bahas ini memakai teknik sugar boiling.bahan-bahannya antara lain:
-soft butter
-croma white
cara membuatnya adalah sebagai berikut:

3/4 bagian gula dimasak bersama air hingga temperatur 118 derajat celsius ketika sugar boiling mencapai 110 derajat celsius 1/4 bagian gula dikocok bersama telur hingga gula tercampur.ketika sugar boiling benar-benar mencapai temperatur 118 derajat celsius masukkan sugar boiling kedalam campuran telur pelan pelan sambil terus dikocok menggunakan mixer dalam kecepatan sedang.kocok hingga tercampur rata.lalu masukkan soft butter kocok hingga butter tercampur.masukkan shortening lalu kocok lagi hingga "creamy",terakhir masukkan croma white dan kocok hingga bsgian bawah mixing bowl terasa dingin.butter cream siap digunakan....

butter cream ini menggunakan resep yang diajarkan di Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bandung...

22 Juni 2009


20-22 JUNI 2009

HARI PERTAMA:European bread dan special bread
HARI KEDUA :Viennese pastry
HARI KETIGA :Artistic showpieces

tim juri terdiri dari Bpk.heru dari Asosiasi Bakery Indonesia
Bpk bambang dan Bpk djauhar dari STPB
Bpk greg dari PT.SAF Indonusa

disponsori oleh:PT.SAF Indonusa,Bakery magazine,Pastry & Bakery magazine,Fonterra brands dll.....
Yang Terbaik tiap kategori akan diadu di final nasional di jakarta 8-11 agustus 2009
dan 3 terbaik di final tersebut menjadi wakil indonesia di tingkat asia pasifik di jepang
3 terbaiknya akan diadu kembali di world bakers coupe di France.

kompetisi ini di adakan 3 tahun sekali dan melibatkan tidak kurang dari 6000 bakers dari 400 negara.

butter cream

butter cream is produced by creaming butter and incorporating as much air possible. When the butter has changed from yellow to a creamy white color, sweeteners and other ingredients are added for flavor and bulk. There are many varieties of buttercream used in the pastry kitchen, and these differ according to personal, regional and national tastes, and availability of certain products. Most buttercream contain sugar, icing sugar or fondant and either egg yolks, egg whites or the entire egg, and can be flavored as desired. Buttercream range from the very ligh and airy to those which are rich and heavy in flavor and texture. It is best to use butter cream as soon as it is made, when it is light, airy and fresh. Never make more buttercream than is required just to save time on the next cake. It is quicker to make it fresh than to reconstitute chilled buttercream and better result are obtained for the finished product. If buttercream has to be stored, it should be kept in an airlight container in the refrigerator. Never store buttercream for more than two weeks in the refrigerator. Remove from the refrigerator when required and stand at room temperature for one hour to soften.
Beat in a mixing bowl until light and fluffy
The following are the main ingredients contained in the buttercream produced by different countries :
  • French Buttercream : Butter, fondant and eggs;
  • German Buttercream : Butter, custard and flavouring;
  • Italian Buttercream : Butter, italian meringue and flavouring
  • Russian Buttercream : Butter, icing sugar and flavouring
  • Danish Buttercream : Butter, icing sugar and cream

11 Januari 2009


BURSA KERJA terbesar di bidang perhotelan dan pariwisata kembali akan diselenggarakan di Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bandung.
Acara yang diselenggarakan oleh Prodec STP Bandung ini akan di selenggarakan pada :

Hari/ Tanggal : Rabu-Kamis, 11-12 Maret 2009
Tempat : Enhaii Dome, STP Bandung, Jl Dr Setiabudhi 186, Bandung

Akan tersedia pekerjaan dari lebih kurang 35 perusahaan, khusus di bidang hospitality & tourism, dalam dan luar negeri.


04 Januari 2009

pantai melayu,batam

Satu lagi pantai yang cukup indah berlokasi di Batu Besar, Pantai Melayu namanya. Pantai ini persis berada dipemukiman orang melayu.Pantai bisa disewa untuk berkemah dengan bayaran yang sama dengan pintu masuk biasa, Rp. 7,000 per orang ditambah biaya listrik, pengamanan dan lainnya. Cukup murah dan fair. Pasir bersih, pohon kelapa yang tinggi, air laut bening membuat suasa terasa segar. Pantai tidak dalam, jika surut kita bisa berjalan sampai 1 km kearah laut. Seperti pantai lainnya, Pantai Melayu hanya ramai dikunjungi pada saat liburan.

Jika Anda berangkat dari Nagoya atau batam center, langsung saja arah bandara udara, terus menuju nongsa. Setelah ketemu traffic light pertigaan, belok ke kanan, terus kira-kira 2 km, belok kiri. Tanya saja ke orang disana, kemana arah Pantai Melayu, pasti ketemu. Tinggal 3-4km kedalam arah pantai.turis asingpun banyak yang memilih pantai ini untuk berwisata terutama para backpackers

02 Januari 2009

chocolate brownie baked alaska

Recipe for Chocolate Brownie Baked Alaska

Chocolate sauce
100g caster sugar
100g butter
1 vanilla pod, seeds scraped out
125g chocolate (70 per cent cocoa solids)
75ml water
1 tbsp cocoa

Baked Alaska
1/2 a batch of chocolate brownies
1 tub of Green & Blacks vanilla ice cream
3 free-range egg whites
75g sugar

Preheat the oven to 220C/425F/Gas 7.
For the chocolate sauce, put the sugar, butter and vanilla seeds into a pan over a medium heat and stir until melted and combined. Then add the chocolate, water and cocoa and heat gently for 6-8 minutes, until it turns into a glossy, thick chocolate sauce. Get a spoon and take a big scoop of the sauce, then make sure it tastes as rich and chocolatey as it looks.

For the baked Alaska, press the brownies into the bottom of a 20cm/8in round ovenproof dish and top it with a couple of spoonfuls of the chocolate sauce, and top that with all the ice cream, make into a dome shape and put into the freezer to chill.

Whisk the egg whites with 25g of the sugar until stiff peaks form when the whisk is removed. Add the remaining sugar and whisk again until the egg white mixture is stiff and glossy. Remove the dish from the freezer and spoon the meringue mixture over the ice cream to completely cover. Make sure the meringue completely seals the ice cream so no heat can get in to melt it.

Bake for 3-4 minutes (no longer), until the meringue is just golden-brown. Serve drizzled with the chocolate sauce, if you haven’t eaten it all out of the pan.