23 Juni 2009

butter cream part 2

butter cream yang akan saya bahas ini memakai teknik sugar boiling.bahan-bahannya antara lain:
-soft butter
-croma white
cara membuatnya adalah sebagai berikut:

3/4 bagian gula dimasak bersama air hingga temperatur 118 derajat celsius ketika sugar boiling mencapai 110 derajat celsius 1/4 bagian gula dikocok bersama telur hingga gula tercampur.ketika sugar boiling benar-benar mencapai temperatur 118 derajat celsius masukkan sugar boiling kedalam campuran telur pelan pelan sambil terus dikocok menggunakan mixer dalam kecepatan sedang.kocok hingga tercampur rata.lalu masukkan soft butter kocok hingga butter tercampur.masukkan shortening lalu kocok lagi hingga "creamy",terakhir masukkan croma white dan kocok hingga bsgian bawah mixing bowl terasa dingin.butter cream siap digunakan....

butter cream ini menggunakan resep yang diajarkan di Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bandung...

22 Juni 2009


20-22 JUNI 2009

HARI PERTAMA:European bread dan special bread
HARI KEDUA :Viennese pastry
HARI KETIGA :Artistic showpieces

tim juri terdiri dari Bpk.heru dari Asosiasi Bakery Indonesia
Bpk bambang dan Bpk djauhar dari STPB
Bpk greg dari PT.SAF Indonusa

disponsori oleh:PT.SAF Indonusa,Bakery magazine,Pastry & Bakery magazine,Fonterra brands dll.....
Yang Terbaik tiap kategori akan diadu di final nasional di jakarta 8-11 agustus 2009
dan 3 terbaik di final tersebut menjadi wakil indonesia di tingkat asia pasifik di jepang
3 terbaiknya akan diadu kembali di world bakers coupe di France.

kompetisi ini di adakan 3 tahun sekali dan melibatkan tidak kurang dari 6000 bakers dari 400 negara.

butter cream

butter cream is produced by creaming butter and incorporating as much air possible. When the butter has changed from yellow to a creamy white color, sweeteners and other ingredients are added for flavor and bulk. There are many varieties of buttercream used in the pastry kitchen, and these differ according to personal, regional and national tastes, and availability of certain products. Most buttercream contain sugar, icing sugar or fondant and either egg yolks, egg whites or the entire egg, and can be flavored as desired. Buttercream range from the very ligh and airy to those which are rich and heavy in flavor and texture. It is best to use butter cream as soon as it is made, when it is light, airy and fresh. Never make more buttercream than is required just to save time on the next cake. It is quicker to make it fresh than to reconstitute chilled buttercream and better result are obtained for the finished product. If buttercream has to be stored, it should be kept in an airlight container in the refrigerator. Never store buttercream for more than two weeks in the refrigerator. Remove from the refrigerator when required and stand at room temperature for one hour to soften.
Beat in a mixing bowl until light and fluffy
The following are the main ingredients contained in the buttercream produced by different countries :
  • French Buttercream : Butter, fondant and eggs;
  • German Buttercream : Butter, custard and flavouring;
  • Italian Buttercream : Butter, italian meringue and flavouring
  • Russian Buttercream : Butter, icing sugar and flavouring
  • Danish Buttercream : Butter, icing sugar and cream